


请发邮件给. 塞缪尔·汤普森,系主任
电子邮件: EAGIS@livecinemacertification.com

  • 奖学金的数量取决于收到的申请的数量和质量.
  • 奖学金数额根据可用资金而定.
  • 获奖者由系奖学金委员会和主席根据申请标准和支持材料选出.



  • 奖: 奖励金额将由捐赠基金的年度利息收入决定.
  • 标准: 布朗县高中(BCHS)计划主修GIS专业的新生优先考虑. Applicants must have a minimum composite ACT score of 25; If no applicants from BCHS meet the criteria then the scholarship shall be open to entering freshmen from BCHS with minimum composite ACT score of 25, regardless of intended major; If there are no incoming freshmen eligible for this scholarship, 当时是威斯康星大学的毕业生, GPA不低于2分.有资格获得这项奖励. First preference will again be given to applicants majoring in GIS; Preference for multiple applicants in any category is given to best academic record; renewable.
  • 应用程序要求: 经济需求不是考虑因素. 联系地球、大气和地理信息科学系申请.
肯尼斯·R. 马丁纪念奖学金
  • 奖: 获奖者将获得500美元的奖金.
  • 标准: Declared GIS major; completed 50 or more semester hours of college-level work; completed a minimum of 9 semester hours of coursework in the Department of 地球、大气和地理信息科学; minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; enrolled full time; renewable (renewed for a second year if the recipient maintains a 3.累计平均绩点不低于0分,并且全日制就读地球系专业, 大气, 地理信息科学).
  • 应用程序: 提交1) 肯尼斯·R. 马丁纪念奖学金申请表格(.多克斯) 2)一封支持申请的推荐信.


阿瑟·克. 提尔曼纪念奖学金
  • 奖: 通常是1000美元,将由捐赠基金的年利息收入决定.
  • 标准: Declared GIS or 气象学 major; completed at least 30 semester hours of college credit at 全球十大体育官方网址, 总绩点为3分.0或更高; completed at least 9 semester hours of GIS courses at 全球十大体育官方网址 by the time of application, 总平均分3分.0或更高; renewable (must maintain a GPA of 3.0或更高).
  • 应用程序要求: 必须至少有一封教员的推荐信. 联系地球、大气和地理信息科学系申请.

约翰J. 弗雷德·C·阿尔福德. 卡斯帕尔和奥尔登R. Longwell奖学金
  • 奖: $4,000英镑将被申请到学生的大学账户, $2,秋季学期的学费是1000美元,另外还有2美元,春季学期的学费是1000万, pending 10th day enrollment verification; renewable (recipient maintains a GPA of "B" or better).
  • 标准: Declared GIS or 气象学 major; completed at least 30 semester hours of college credit at WIU 总平均分3分.0或更高; completed at least 9 semester hours of Geography courses at WIU by the time of application 总平均分3分.0或更高;
  • 应用程序要求: 提交1) Alford, Caspall and Longwell奖学金申请表(.医生) 2)教职员工的推荐信一封;3)证明该奖学金经济需求的论文一篇.


  • 奖: 奖励金额将由捐赠基金的年度利息收入决定.
  • 标准: Declared major in the Department of 地球、大气和地理信息科学; must be enrolled full time; completed 60 semester hours of college level work and be classified as a junior or senior; completed a minimum 9 semester hours of coursework in the Department of Geography; minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; renewable (for a second year if the recipient maintains a 3.累计平均绩点不低于0分,并且全日制就读地球系专业, 大气, 地理信息科学).
  • 应用程序: 提交1) 露丝·罗素纪念奖学金申请表格(.医生) 2)一封支持申请的推荐信.


Arlin Fentem和Ronald Nelson学生奖学金
  • 奖: 奖励金额最高为1000美元(每学期发放500美元). 这笔捐赠可以用来帮助学生支付他们认为合适的任何费用. 可再生(接受者必须保持3.5平均绩点, 继续参加WIU地理课程,并继续在完成学位方面取得进展)
  • 标准: 无条件录取新学生理学硕士-地球科学和地球环境计划或目前, full-time graduate student who has completed one semester (9 credit hours); minimum GPA of 3.5; preference will be given to students with financial need; preference will be given to students who desire to work in the field of Geography.
  • 应用程序要求: 提交 芬腾/尼尔森奖学金申请表格(.多克斯)

  • 奖: Award amount is determined by the annual interest earnings on the endowment; this award may be used to assist a student in the graduate program in Geography; the student will determine the appropriate use of the award; not renewable.
  • 标准: Full time graduate student (9 semester hours or more); completed a minimum of 9 semester hours; minimum 3.5平均绩点; making progress towards degree completion.
  • 应用程序要求: 提交 朗威尔奖学金申请表格(.多克斯)

罗伯特K. Fryzek纪念奖学金
  • 奖:Award amount based on the annual interest earnings on the endowment; renewable only if student is nominated the following year.
  • 标准: 该奖学金颁发给成绩不低于3分的地理学研究生.平均绩点0分,在地理系、大学和社区中表现出领导能力.
  • 应用程序要求: 所有地理教师和目前在读的研究生将被要求提名潜在的获奖者. 获奖者将由所有在校生和地理教师投票选出.

  • 奖:奖励金额将由地球、大气和地理科学系决定. 不是可再生.
  • 标准: Currently enrolled full-time outstanding graduate student; completed a minimum of 9 semester hours; minimum cumulative GPA of 3.7; exhibit leadership abilities; active participation in the department; at a minimum, 至少完成提案(论文或项目)的陈述.
  • 应用程序要求: 提交 贝弗里奇奖学金申请表格(.多克斯) .